Celebrating Chaplaincy!

 On September 16th a special Evensong at Peterborough Cathedral will be dedicated to “Celebrating Chaplaincy” (see the invite below).
At that service we will be launching a booklet on:
“Chaplaincy in Peterborough” which has been compiled and edited by Professor Paul Ballard (former trustee of CWC) using vignettes and experiences of chaplains throughout Peterborough.

Light Project Peterborough, who manage the Street Chaplains in Peterborough, has coordinated the contributors and CWC have encouraged and funded the artwork, printing and design costs.

We wish to thank The Dean and Canon Precentor of Peterborough Cathedral for integrating this service of celebration into Saturday Evensong.

Also, we are grateful to Richard Vernon of EPRINT for his professional work and patience!

What is Chaplaincy in this context? Paul Ballard defines it as:
“Chaplaincy is an important aspect of the mission and ministry of the Church. Often hidden and unrecognised, chaplaincy lies alongside and is interwoven with the ministry of the congregation or parish and with social concern. Its distinctive involvement is with the place of work or commerce, their pressures and demands. There are, broadly, three patterns of chaplaincy.
1. Chaplains appointed within and as part of a secular organisation (examples: hospitals, schools or prisons)
2. Chaplains invited into places of work by invitation and negotiation, often part-time and sometimes as an extension to ministry in the congregation. This is the ‘Industrial Mission’ model (examples: businesses, offices, factories, sport)
3. Chaplains in the public square, often in collaboration with secular authorities, such as the police and local authority, and local enterprise.

Each of these is found in Peterborough. Chaplains can be full or part-time, ordained or lay, salaried or voluntary….”
We are very grateful for the stories and experience that the chaplains have contributed to this booklet, which taken together, gives an up-to-date realistic picture of “faith in the workplace”.
Indeed, something to Celebrate!
We do hope that readers of this newsletter will be able to come to the Cathedral Evensong, refreshments and chat on 16th September and Celebrate Chaplaincy in Peterborough!

Please do email CWC via info@cambsworkplacechaplaincy.org.uk so that we can cater appropriately!
Clive Morton
Vice Chair 
Trustee, Cambridgeshire Workplace Chaplaincy.

Published by Jane Thompson

Jane Thompson, Freelance Marketing Consultant

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